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36+ Fun Halloween Date Ideas for Couples 👻 [2023]

Looking for fun Halloween Date ideas?

Halloween doesn’t just have to be for kids! It can be a great time to reconnect with your partner over some fun halloween activities like pumpkin carving, scary movie watching, spooky decorating – you get the picture 😉

Long story short halloween is the perfect time for some spooky fun! Here are 36+ of the most FUN things to do on Halloween for couples!

Note: This list has been made to apply to any city. For each idea all you have to do is google “X idea + your city” to find the suggestion available in your city.

Halloween Date Night Ideas for Some Spooky Fun 👻

It is always fun to plan a Halloween date night. In fact it is really a must do for Halloween! Here are some of our best halloween activities for couples at night for extra spookiness!

  1. Visit a decorated cafe or restaurant. They aren’t all that hard to find. Most restaurants decorate the premises for Halloween. If you are stuck for ideas, Starbucks is always a good place to go, they always have Halloween decorations up and ready to go
  2. Plan a fun Halloween get together with friends! Decorate the house as spooky as possible! A great Halloween double date idea!
  3. Visit a haunted house. Obvi best done at night for ultimate spook effect!
  4. Or visit a graveyard for serious spookers! If you want it to be really scary, make it a date night otherwise, visit during the daytime. I always thought going to graveyards was a little weird but have recently changed my mind after seeing some interesting ones in Atlanta & Key West.
  5. Dress up for a Halloween costume party
  6. isit a local psychic or palm reader – this idea always TOTALLY freaks me out but each to their own!
  7. Or go to a hypnotist show. Ive been to a few of these on cruise lines. Norwegian cruise line does an awesome hypnotist show. There is this new hypnotism called “Past Life Regression” that has been shown on 90 day fiance that sounds interesting.
  8. Attend an amusement park haunted night.
  9. Spend overnight at one of the most haunted hotels in the USA! See if there is one in your city for a Halloween staycation. A cool one is The Stanley Hotel which is inspiration for The Shining.
  10. Go on a ghost tour of your city. There are haunted spots in almost every city. Check out the most haunted places in your city on a ghost tour.
  11. Check out if there are any fun Halloween activities in your city that you can attend together. For example, in Savannah, the city runs an annual wag-o-ween for charity.

Wag-o-ween in Savannah

Simple Spooky Date Ideas for Couples 👻

Romantic halloween activities don’t have to be hard. Here are a few simple fun halloween dates:

  1. There is always a corn maze available around Halloween time which makes for a great date!
  2. Carve a pumpkin. Seriously, what is more halloween that this?! If you are a pumpkin carving rookie there are even some classes for this.
  3. Drink Bloody Mary Cocktails (maybe while carving pumpkins because why not?)
  4. Get crafty and decorate your home for Halloween together. This doesn’t have to be an expensive date. Walmart has some pretty cheap and fun Halloween decorations!
  5. Make some Halloween inspired meals. Here are a few goodies I found online:
    1. Spider Cookie Sandwiches
    2. Easy Halloween starters
  6. The other idea you could do is get some random ingredients and go for an ECCOC Halloween edition (The Ultimate Couples Cook Off Challenge) halloween edition. Challenge each other to make the best halloween meal and rate each others dishes! This is one of our all time favorite indoor date ideas.
  7. Go to a pumpkin festival or another halloween inspired festival.
  8. Visit a torture musuem – pretty freaky stuff are located in these! Enough to scare the living daylight out of you!
  9. Go on the annual zombie walk. In most cities there is an annual zombie walk where everyone gets dressed up as a zombie and roams the city. Could even turn this into a zombie pub crawl?


Go on a Halloween movie date night together 👻

Obviously a halloween movie date night is one of the best halloween dates. Like obvs. If you want more movie inspo, here are some of the best movies to put on your playlist for Halloween.

I have linked each of the trailers on youtube if you want to check out the trailer together before deciding what to watch.

Any others I should add to this list? You can watch these movies from the comfort of your own home or you could alternatively attend a midnight screening. Maybe even at a local drive in cinema?

the stanley hotel inspired the stephen king novel the shining

The Stanley hotel inspired the Stephen King novel the Shining. It was one of the most fun and scary nights of my life. One of the best Halloween anniversary ideas if you anniversary happens to fall on Halloween.

DIY crafty Halloween date activities

Halloween is the perfect time of year to get crafty! If you are a crafty couple, here are some really fun crafty halloween date ideas:

  1. Make your own halloween bath bomb.
  2. Halloween window decorations
  3. If you have some kids you might like to decorate some foam pumpkins.
  4. Or paint some ceramic owls
  5. Make some Halloween face paint;
  6. Obviously also carve some pumpkins too!

Talk about cute Halloween dates!

crafty date ideas for halloween

Some more fun Halloween Activities for Couples…

What else can couples do for halloween? Here are some of my fav halloween activities for couples to try this scary season:

  1. Go people watching! It is so fun to go out and check out everyone else’s Halloween outfits!
  2. Bake a scary halloween cake together.
  3. Go shopping for Halloween costumes together.  If you don’t want to go out, you can always do this from the comfort of your own home. Here are some fun Halloween outfits for couples I found online:
    1. Peanut Butter and Jelly Couples Costume;
    2. Poop and Toilet Paper Couples Costume LOL; 
  4. Get dressed up in said costumes! Hit the town because no shame no game!
  5. Make some seriously scary looking cocktails. The more inventive the better!
  6. Get into the fall vibe with these fun fall date ideas.
  7. Make a trip to the extraterrestrial highway  – spooked me a bit!


Halloween Nighttime Activities for Couples

Here are some fun halloween activities for couples including a few sexy halloween date ideas for couples:

  1. Go trick or treating. Who said it was just for kids! If you feel more comfortable, ask to take your niece or cousin!
  2. Go camping and tell ghost stories. The spookier the better. Obviously smores are a must!
  3. Or tell scary stories with a sexy spin!
  4. Have a halloween themed dinner (by candlelight!)
  5. Have fun with some glow in the dark body paint.
  6. Find a sexy halloween costume.
  7. Enjoy a halloween movie marathon!


Halloween games for couples

Halloween is the perfect times for some fun games for couples. Our favourite halloween games include:

  • Cluedo: Who doesn’t love a good murder mystery on Halloween.
  • Challenge each other to eat a series of gross food. Obviously make sure it is totally safe to eat! Some options could include
    • Tuna or salmon
    • Raw egg (gotta be careful with this one)
    • Pate
    • Hot chilli!
    • Chicken hearts
  • How about some Horror Trivia?
  • Zombieside
  • Stupid Deaths Party Game


Halloween date night ideas at home

Staying at home this Halloween? The silver-lining from the global pandemic is we’ve had plenty of time to turn our imagination to the perfect halloween date night at home. So no need to panic, indoor halloween dates can be JUST as fun inside, trust me!

Here ares some of the best at home date ideas for halloween.

  1. Cuddle up and watch a horror movie on Netflix (new ones are released each year). Admittedly, they are all pretty terrible! Snakes on a plane anyone!? One of the best Halloween couple activities if you ask me.
  2. Have an indoor Halloween picnic with some fun halloween food like monster cupcakes. Indoor picnics are one of my fav ever indoor date ideas.
  3. Have your own costume party at home! Just the two of you – so romantic. It might be fun to surprise each other with quirky little Halloween gifts.
    1. For Her: The Witches Book of Self Care
    2. For Him: Halloween “Where the Sun Don’t Shine Boxers”
  4. Have a Halloween Dance Party. Dress up in some fun costumes and boogy out to some dark music. Maybe screamo?
  5. Host a Squid Game party with friends or other couples. If you don’t feel like playing Korean games, host a Squid Games tournament with children’s games from your country – thinks Red Rover, Heads Down Thumbs Up. (check out this squid game costume here)

And then?

And once you’ve finished your fun you will of course have to finish off your night with a IG post of the shenanigans.

Need a good spooky hashtag? We got you covered with the best halloween hashtags

Save What can Couples do For Halloween to Pinterest (so you can find it again later!)



  • MC Miller

    MC Miller is a travel blogger and writer who has travelled America extensively and abroad to over 80 countries. He founded Couple Travel The World in 2017. Since then, he has spent over 6 years on the road as a full time travel couple. When he not traveling he likes to spend quality time with his partner Bett, planning our their next date or romantic getaway!

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