So you want to travel from Hokitika to Franz Josef and are wondering the best way to do it?
Find out which is the best way to travel from Hokitika to Franz Josef below:
Hokitika to Franz Josef by bus
By bus the route takes approximately 2 hours.
The bus leaves from Hokitika i-SITE. Take a bus heading towards Fox GlacierGreatSights.
The cost of the bus is only around 17 USD pp.
Hokitika to Franz Josef by train
As far as we are aware, there is no train that covers this route.
The route by car
We personally think that travel in New Zealand is best by car, especially if you are travelling to New Zealand for a special occasion like a honeymoon.
We did a road trip of New Zealand and we found this to be the best way to see all New Zealand has to offer.
The journey by car only takes around 2 hours and costs around $30 USD on fuel plus car hire.
Car travel can also be very economical if traveling in a group so bare that in mind.
What to see in Franz Josef
Franz Josef was one of our favourite areas in New Zealand.
The main thing to do in the town is visit Franz Josef Glacier. We would highly recommend seeing it from the air via a helicopter.
We used the company and took the 30 minute twin glacier tour.
We would highly recommend the twin glacier tour. as it takes you to both the Fox and Franz Josef Glaciers in one flight.
Accommodation in Franz Josef
Ideally you would spend at least 1 night in Franz Josef on your New Zealand adventure.
Here is the accommodation options we would recommend:
- Budget: Rainforest Retreat (motel + campervan site)
- Mid Range/Luxury: Rainforest Retreat (luxury treehouse)
As you can see we loved Rainforest Retreat! We stayed in one of their deluxe treehouses which included a private spa and a view of the rainforest. It was pure bliss!
Alternatively, you can search here for all accommodation in Franz Josef during your dates!