Curious about swinger signs and symbols?
Exploring the enigmatic aspects of the swinging lifestyle can be just as exhilarating as participating in it. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced swinger, uncovering the truth behind the rumors and cryptic symbols is part of the excitement.
If there is a chance that you, single or in a relationship, have been feeling some ‘off‘ vibes from another couple in your friend group, you can check for these signs as well.
While the myths surrounding items like pampas grass and black rings may add a sense of playful mystery, have you wondered if you may be flaunting some swinger signs without the intention to attract the crowd?
Out of these 20 symbols and signs to spot a swinger, you probably won’t get called out for sporting a few of these items. But, once you start noticing multiple of these swinger signs in couples, is when you can get the hint.
The Swinger Symbol: 20 Signs of Swingers
This is the legit symbol throughout the swinger community. There is an entire online Swinger Symbol Shop where you can stock up on swinger gear.
You can grab stickers, car decals, jewelry, clothing, and so much more, that all incorporate some form of this swinger symbol. Since these are one of the most intentional signs to spot a swinger, those who know… know. (And now you know.)
Now that the most obvious symbol is out of the way, we can move on to the more subtle signs that a couple is part of the swinger community.
Jewelry Swinger Signs
Black Ring
See, this is where it gets tricky. Anyone can sport the badge-like Black Swinger Symbol Ring and again, those who know… know.
But, does that mean if your partner gifts you a beautiful black ring, they’re trying to ‘hint‘ at something? Well, let’s see if any more of these signs to spot a swinger raise any flags.
Wedding Ring on the Right Hand
For some reason this just seems a little extra to be a sole symbol that someone is a swinger.
Also, wedding rings have become so simple as well as so extravagant. It would be quite odd to assume a womans cocktail ring as a sign she is a swinger.
Gender Symbols Bracelets, Necklaces & Anklets
It’s fair to say that this is also an obvious sign to spot a swinger.
Bracelets, necklaces and anklets with the swinger symbol, whether a charm or part of the leather, can still look like another piece of jewelry from afar.
Toe & Thumb Rings
When you add a toe ring into the possible swinger signs ‘attire’, your swinger radar will definitely start beeping. If you are vacationing in the Florida Keys and the lady next to you on the beach is sporting a toe ring… not necessarily a hint.
A guy might receive a ring as a gift that isn’t snug on his other fingers other than his thumb. But, these are another one of those signs to spot a swinger that assures you when in combination with multiple of these on the list you spotted a swinger.
A post in the Reddit thread r/swingers, mentions a swinger couple attending a music show. Unintentionally, his wife wore pair of pineapple earrings. All of a sudden a conversation started due to her earrings (that were even situated right side up. It’s more the jewelry+pineapple factor that gives the hint) caught the attention of another couple. Even though she didn’t intent on emitting that signal with pineapple earrings, the other swinger couple knew how to strike up the conversation without it feeling awkward.
Upside Down Pineapple
If you are solely searching if a pineapple is a swinger sign, you probably just found out about these subliminal messages.
The pineapple swinger sign isn’t as unsuspecting as jewelry and lawn decorations. The true sign that a pineapple means someone is a swinger, is its upside down placement.
This swinger symbol has become widely known over the past few years with whole stores dedicated to just upside down pineapples! Check out all of these upside down pineapple fun items.
The next time you are on vacation, especially a cruise, you will notice many of these pineapple swinger signs more than you think.
If you know someone who owns something that resembles a unicorn, you can surely assume they are part of the swinger community. Right? Maybe when we also see pigs fly.
A unicorn symbol can come is so many different ways. Kids toys, wall art, a car window decal, even home decor. Unicorns are a majestic creature and that’s exactly what the swinger community is implying.
Whenever the phrase “looking for a unicorn” catches your eye, this means that a couple (married or not) are looking for another woman to join their rendezvous.
Both the unicorn and dragon swinger symbols are most commonly used as emoji’s!
Just as majestic of creatures as the Unicorn, but a swinger symbol meant to attract another male in to a couples relationship.
The dragon swinger symbol is not as commonly noticed due to less swinger couples adding a male into the bedroom. Tying in with the next symbol, the yin yang, the dragon is symbolized together with the Phoenix.
Yin Yang Tattoo
What is typically thought to mean balance and harmony, the yin yang symbol has more meanings than one.
Still keeping the same message, opposite energies can easily be translated into opposite genders. Intertwining male and females into one. See where this is going?
Red Ball Cap
While this is just an absolutely ridiculous assumption, (maybe it stems from the gnome idea?) is just like saying that a male wearing jeans is a hunter. You know? It makes more sense that just simply wearing a red ball cap to sports game isn’t sending out any sexual signals.
Now, if the back window of their car has a plain (unbranded) red ball cap along with an upside down pineapple window decal, maybe even some cute plushy of a unicorn… now is time you can start letting your radar go off.
Are you thinking ‘What the heck does a loofah have to do with being a swinger?‘ It doesn’t mean house guests are going to be checking your shower for a colored loofah and assume that’s what it means.
If you haven’t heard how loofahs became one of the known signs to spot a swinger, it’s a wild ride. Long story short, back in 2009, The Post described the Villages, a Florida retirement community, as a lively destination for senior citizens.
This was due to a misconception about color coded loofahs on the senior residents vehicles.
The community stated this loofah system would help them find their cars, but the internet had other ideas. Now, anywhere outside of the Villages in Florida, it’s a sure sign that the couple are swingers.
No, we aren’t talking about your down there, which would probably be more understanding than the actual front yard of your home! Again, having one or two of the swinger symbols doesn’t give off ‘swinger‘ vibes. Start combining them and it will sure get some attention.
Pampas Grass
It’s quite surprising how specific this community gets with their swinger signs and symbols, but a type of grass? Yup, this ornamental grass with feathers that is often used in landscaping may appear to be a personal preference of the gardener.
If you come across this grass on someone’s lawn, it could be an indication that they are involved in the swinger lifestyle. This is a relatively obscure symbol of the swinging community.
Pink Flamingos
The use of pink flamingos as a symbol for swingers is quite common, and they are typically seen as lawn ornaments in gardens. In the past, some groups even used them for fundraising by placing them on people’s lawns, although it’s unclear if they fully understood the implications of this innocent-seeming prank.
Regardless, the pink flamingo has become a recognizable symbol within the swinging community.
What makes something a swinger sign or symbol?
Other than the actual swinger symbol? Quite a few things, but all with one meaning. Hospitality. A large majority of objects that represent the swinger community, also represent a persons or homes friendly welcoming to guests.
While there is no reason to have a sign or symbol for expected guests, non-verbal hints make it easier to welcome in unexpected guests.
Garden Gnomes
According to tradition, gnomes are mysterious beings of small stature that inhabit in subterranean tunnels and other secluded locales. These traditional spirits are typically represented as elderly men with facial hair and stooped postures. In several depictions, they wore scarlet crowns with pointed peaks.
Becoming more widely known throughout the general population that these little innocent guys can be a hint to the homeowners hobbies. There has been a growth in variety of garden gnomes and their obvious intentions. A cute family setup of gnomes in a display is one thing, having more illicit acting gnomes, or the more obvious, gnomes on a swing, is another.
White Rock Landscaping
Now we can officially say that this is getting pretty ridiculous. When searching through the swinger community, many reassured and said that they have heard about the ‘trend’. Many members responded saying it is just another addition to their dedicated swinger symbol decor in their front yard.
In certain neighborhoods of South Charlotte, the utilization of white landscaping rocks has been prohibited by homeowners associations. A resident named Meg B. claims that in the Lake Norman/Huntersville vicinity, placing white landscaping rocks near your mailbox post can suggest a willingness to participate in group activities.
How Popular Is Swinging?
The following statistics are provided by multiple ongoing studies since 2016:
As of May 2023, there are more than 2 million active members of the swinger community.
- 1.1% of the US population
- The studies include ages between 18-80 years old
- Half of this population is made of swingers 40-49 years old
- Over 65% are between ages 30-59
- There are double the amount of swingers in the most active place, the state of Delaware
- Finland ranks as the most active swinging community with over 50% of the population!
- The swinger community has become a 9.5 billion dollar industry (including clubs, merchandise, cruises, resort takeovers, etc.)
When it comes to how easily you will notice these swinger signs and symbols:
44.1% keep it a complete secret
41.9% keep it within their inner circle
4.1% are out and proud about their lifestyle
Explaining Polygamy and Polyamory
Explaining the term ‘Poly-‘ as a term for relationships with more than two consensual partners. The ‘gamy‘ is for a multi spouses by marriage. The ‘amory‘ is simply multi partner relationship without the religion and marital ties.
Several studies have shown that polyamorous relationships exceed sexual communication expectations than monogamous relationships. There is a deeper, more non-negotiable trust and boundaries in relationships such as these.
If you are in Utah, you can see various polygamists communities.

A polygamist community in Utah
Pink/Purple Lawn Decor
Can you think of any other reason to have pink or purple lawn decor than for a baby shower? It’s possible to have a few Easter decorations in the spring or a full-blow Halloween light show in the fall.
We can say that if a couple is part of the swinger community, they will make it more prominently known aside from colorful decorations in their front yard.
Metal Star Wreath
We can officially say that this is a rumor and you can finally take the price tag off of the metal star wreath you have been waiting to put up!
An article by Snopes Magazine mentioned that realtors around the United States will still mention this swinger sign in more known communities. But for now, we get to keep this outside decor as purely decoration.
Porch swings Pillows
Another rumor that has circulated around several communities. Members of these neighborhoods mention that couples known to be swingers will have decorative pillows, either with pineapple, flamingos, or multi-colored pattern on their porch swing.
If a majority of these community members are aware of the local swinger symbols used, it’s probably ok to think that someone wouldn’t do this unintentionaly.
Fruit Door Knocker
Possibly in the middle of winter this could be a suspicion. Once again, if you’re neighbors are having a luau themed pool party or this is just a stand alone sign that isn’t accompanied by any of the oth
er lawn decor swinger signs on this list. Displaying a fruit door knocker has an original meaning of “Welcome” and “Hospitality to All“. Which in turn, has started to define common swinger terms.
Two Adirondack Chairs
Some members of the community have mentioned this as a sign of welcoming other couples and multiple guests into their homes.
Part of the Mainly Mythical Podcast talks about the symbols and signs to spot a swinger. Ultimately they mention that specifically two RED adirondack chairs in someones front yard “is not a mistake”.
Conversational Vibes
If you aren’t able to examine any of these signs or symbols to spot a swinger, it might be as easy as just having a conversation. Swinger couples are known to be very flirtatious and in a very friendly way.
Complimenting one another and making plans for nights in or a cruise vacation with you is a good sign as to where the friendship could be going.
Final Thoughts
There is nothing wrong with filling your garden with gnomes or sporting an ankle bracelet. Enjoy all of your pineapple and unicorn decorations and don’t worry what signals you are putting out.
The swinger community is a lot larger than you can imagine and a lot more ‘in tune’ with these signs and signals to spot a swinger.
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