Whether you are travelling to Salento or leaving town, we’ll show you to how to travel from Salento to Cali or Popayan or how to catch the bus from Cali to Salento (or Popayan to Salento like we did). If you are visiting Salento from Bogota, Cali or any major city in Colombia you will …
South America
If you want to travel from Cusco to La Paz by bus, there are 2 options: a direct bus which can take up to 15 hours; or an indirect bus with a stop at Puno or Copacabana along the way. We travelled from La Paz to Cusco by bus stopping at Copacabana for a few …
Green countryside, rolling hills and coffee farms – Salento Colombia really is a paradise for nature & coffee lovers. However, it’s not just the local scenery that is jaw-dropping. Salento town centre is a wall of cute, colourful houses. Located in the coffee belt, Salento Quindo was our favourite place to visit in Colombia and …
While Copacabana may usually just be used as a gateway to Isle de Sol and the Peruvian town of Puno, this sleepy fisherman’s village really comes alive between the 2nd to the 5th of February each year during the Festival of the Virgen de la Candelaris. During this time the town springs to life with …
If you are looking for a bargain basement cruise then a repositioning cruise is definitely the way to go. However, some of the ports on a repositioning cruise are often industrial ports and a fair way away from tourist attractions which can at times make it difficult to find things to do on a budget. So …