So you want to make money on Instagram? Great Idea! one of the ways we have been able to live our nomadic lifestyle is through the money we make on Instagram.
How to get paid for Instagram Posts?
Making money on Instagram is not super easy but it is indeed possible. Here we are going to share with you how to make money on Instagram in 5 simple steps
1. Grow Your Following on Instagram
Firstly, to make money on Instagram you are going to have to have a decent following.
We made our first pay check on Instagram at 10,000 followers.
Before that point, brands are willing to offer you free products but very few are willing to pay you to promote their products
By 50,000 – 60,000 followers you can expect to earn decent money on Instagram.
We know some people at around 50,000 – 60,000 followers who earn a full time income from Instagram.
2. How to grow your following on Instagram?
How do you grow your following? This is a complicated question. There are many ways to increase your following on Instagram and it is not as easy as it was 10 years ago due to Instagram’s updated algorithm.
If have been living under a rock, Instagram updated their algorithm a few years back to mean that your photographs are not exposed to all your followers but merely a select few that they deem may be interested based on their prior engagement with them.
That is not to say growing your Instagram following is impossible in 2019. You can grow your following by using the correct hash tags and creating beautiful content.
One of the most important ways is to create beautiful photos is with great edits. You will need presets for this. If you are just starting out, check out our free Instagram presets to get you started!
Another important way to attract followers to your Instagram is to have a beautiful overall look to your profile.
That involves having a very clean profile. We would suggest making Instagram highlight covers to give your profile a very neat and tidy feel to it.
No brand is going to be attracted to a profile that looks like a dog’s breakfast!
3. Engagement
There is no point having 100,000 followers if they are not engaged with what you are doing. That is, they are not liking and commenting your photos.
Brands simply wont pay for followers who don’t care about what you are doing and are not influenced by your opinion.
Put it this way, if no-one is swayed to buy a brand’s lipstick based on your picture – it is not worth paying you.
Okay so how do you improve engagement?
The best way to improve your engagement is to treat people like people, show people you share about them by responding to their comments and making the effort to like their pictures back.
It is time consuming but people who genuinely care about others generate loyalty back in return.
4. Know your Worth
So you have hundreds of thousands of followers on Instagram who engage with your content but you are not making the sweet sweet money.
It is time for you my friend to know your worth.
There is nothing that aggravates us more than influencers being taken advantage of.
In the days before influencers, brands would have to a lot of money pay photographers and advertisement. And now they expect that for nothing? Oh hell no!
It took you time and energy to grow your following so you should reap the rewards of it.
Not sure what you should be charging for an Instagram post? Here is a calculator that calculates a range of money based on your following and engagement.
5. Getting opportunities
The final battle you have to face to making money on Instagram is getting opportunities.
The first thing we would suggest is to make sure you have a contact email on your IG profile so brands know here to contact you. You want to make this as easy as possible.
If there is a brand you feel especially aligned to, you can always reach out to them yourself and see if they are interested to collaborate with you.
There is also PR companies and influencers apps you can use to seek opportunities.
The other thing we would suggest is to network with other influencers. You have opportunities, they have opportunities….get my vibe? It is always easier working as a team than trying to take the world alone solo!
Once you grow your following, there are so many ways you can make money. We have recently starting selling our lightroom instagram presets. You can sell them through your main IG page or we have recently set up a dedicated page. Check it out here.
So there it is – how to make money on Instagram from people who are doing it! Let us know how it goes for you or if you need any more tips in the comments!
Want more $$ tips – see our post on the best couple credit cards.
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