Bored at home? Here are some of the best board games for couples so date night is never boring again!
Sometimes you just don’t feel like heading out on date night and that is perfectly OK – date nights at home are THE BEST!
If you are wondering what to do at home together, one of our favorite things to do as a couple is to play a board game.
Trouble is, it can be quite difficult to find good 2 player board games!
We have spent time researching the best ones out there for you, so with no further adieu, here are some of the most fun board games for couples!
Included in the list are mostly 2 player board games with a few options that you might like to play on double date night! Any of these would be amazing gifts for couples who love board games!
Want more game options? Here are our favourite games for couples (other than board games)
11 Best Board Games for Couples to Play on Date Night!
Carcassonne Board Game Standard
The Carcassonne board game is a great new and interesting choice for a board game for couples as it will leave you feeling as if you are the king and queen of a mighty realm.
If the two of you dream of traveling, this is also a great board game to place as it is inspired by the Carcassonne medieval fortress in southern France.
The game involves players filling the countryside around the fortified city and taking on different roles such as Knights, Monks, Farmers & Thieves!
Amazon Review:
This is a fantastic addition to a hugely entertaining game. The inns are all easier to spot once you notice they all have a lake next to them. They make your roads worth more unless you don’t complete your road, in which case you lose all your points for it. There are 2 Cathedrals. They fit inside your city, and need to be completely surrounded by it. They increase the value of the city, but if it is not complete at the end, you lose all your points for it. – Darren O
Fog of Love Board Game for Couples
Fog of Love is definitely one of the best invented board games for couples! Like ever!
With many couples board games geared to a more advanced relationship, we love that you can use this board game whether you are on a first date, second date or even a third!
This board game is one of the cutest I have ever seen. Inside, you will create a world where two characters “meet, fall in love and face the challenge of making an unusual relationship work.”
Playing this game may help you know whether he or she is the one as it forces you into a roller collar of different situations some awkward and some absolutely hilarious. This game will test your ability to compromise and see if you can really make the relationship work!
Amazon Review:
Fun experience for couples. This isn’t like most other boardgames in that there isn’t a ‘winner’. There’s some slight tactical depth to it, but mostly you are playing as an experience. It’s kind of like building two characters in The Sims and seeing how they get on. A good game for partners, you each work together to create your personas and then respond to various scenarios. – Soldier of Winter
Splendor is one of the best date night board game options as it is just a little different.
Sure, everyone has monopoly or Cluedo in their cupboard collecting dust, but Splendor is a new and interesting game which is sure to make the date a little more exciting and interesting.
In the game, as a wealthy Renaissance merchant, you will try to acquire mines, transportation, hire artisans and impress the nobility in order to try and get ahead. Your aim is to create the most amazing jewelry through getting precious stones to trade them for development cards.
Amazon Review:
We were introduced to Splendor by a board game obsessed friend of the family. We enjoyed playing it with him so much that we ordered our own copy. I’d say our board gaming preferences are somewhat refined, because thanks to this friend we’ve played a LOT of games, and Splendor has been one of our favorites for a long time. – E Barr
Hive- A Game Crawling With Possibilities
Hive is an interesting game for new couples and maybe even younger couples to keep things light, interesting and PG rated.
Hive is a game designed to improve your strategy skills, as you keep your eye on the hive you also have to look at the opponent’s reserve pieces.
While the rules are pretty straightforward and simple, the game is designed to test even the strongest of couples with challenging parts to the board game including trying to surround your surround your opponent’s queen bee.
Amazon Review:
My husband and I were looking for a 2-person strategy game that had play time of less than 20 minutes. You know, something to keep our minds sharp, something entertaining for when nothing good is on tv (so all the time). For whatever reason, my husband specified that the game could NOT be chess. I have no idea why, but when I saw Hive was like chess, but with bugs, I knew it would be the perfect choice for us. We have been playing for two months now, and we’ve been enjoying the game. That said, I do kind of wish my husband would have been ok with chess. – Abby
Game for Couples Loopy – Date Night Box
The Loopy Couple Board game is the latest out fun board game for couples to play on date night.
It continually gets amazing reviews as the board game will leave you both laughing, and loving each other. Inside you will find 150 playing cards. The game works by spinning an arrow and choosing a card.
Not this game is R rated. A good adult board game for married or long term couples.
Note: If you love card games, you might want to check out our post on the best card games for couples!
Amazon Review:
Loved the game. Ironically enough we only made it thru one card LOL however we plan to play again and try to actually return back to the game. I read thru some of the cards and they are just the right amount of activity and questions. This is definitely not a group game! Tell Donald he cant cant be grumpy with a game like this! – Lady G
Pandemic Legacy Board Game
As we have now all lived through a pandemic, this is a great board game to pull out while you are stuck at home together.
This board game is based on a global virus pandemic where for three generations a small group of survivors were keeping the human race alive.
Despite the survivors good efforts, it is no longer enough as supplies are running critically short. You are required to be the hero to re-establish supply lines and save the world.
As the game goes on, new regions will be opened to you which will help you to understand what happened. You will also be revealed new threats and have to adapt to each different challenge presented.
Amazon Review:
Date Night Will Never Be the Same. This game is absolutely amazing. My boyfriend and I just started playing it and have finished through February of the “12 month” campaign so far, and when I woke up this morning, the first thing I said to him was “I want to play more Pandemic.” – Mary Murphy
Jaipur is one of the best rated new and interesting games for couples.
The game by Sebastien Pauchon provides new artwork by Vincent Dutrait. During the game you will take on the roles of the “city’s powerful traders seeking to earn their invite to the Maharaja’s court”.
The game combines strategy and luck and is very well rated by couples seeking new and interesting things to do on a weekend. One Amazon purchaser commented:
I’m an avid board gamer and my wife will play from time to time. We were looking for good two player games that are accessible and replayable. Jaipur is probably the best compromise we’ve found between those two things (our favorite game, Innovation, is not nearly as accessible). It’s very easy to learn and quick to set up, but there are enough strategic decisions available that it stands up to repeated playthroughs. – Review by Fylaw
7 Wonders – Duel
This game is a great board game for couples as it is specially designed for head to head 2 player battles.
In this game, you will experience a struggle to gain supremacy in the Ancient world. You can win the game over your partner through invading their capital, achieving a monopoly on scientific advancement , or winning the most victory points.
If you love all things ancient and medieval you will simply love this game!
One Amazon purchaser commented:
For the past several years, my primary gaming partner has been my wife. As you can imagine then, 2-player style games come out quite often at our house. This is the best 2-player game I have ever played, bar none. – Haon the Great, Top Contributor: Chess
You are Not The Father
A totally hilarious game for double date night at home! Note: You will need more than 2 players to really make this game work well!
This board game is based on the famous tv show which lets you prove your non paternity in a totally hilarious way! The game is won by countering opponents claims to their non paternity.
Amazon Review:
I bought this for my husband as a Christmas gift and he got a good laugh when he opened it. We played today with 3 players and had a lot of laughs. Our favorite card was “I’m 74 years old and can’t make oatmeal, I can’t make a baby”. I agree with the other reviews, once you play this game you’ve seen all the cards. Playing a second time just doesn’t have the same shock value as the first time around. I would buy expansion decks if they were available, to add more argument cards to the game. We might actually make our own expansion deck, just for fun! – Valerie
Azul Board Game
Azul is one of the best board games for adults currently out there on the market.
If you love tiles this is definitely a great board game for you. The aim of the game is to compete for the highest score by arranging tiles on your board to score points. You can also gain extra points by getting sets of the same color or creating particular patterns of tiles.
Amazon Review:
Within the past year I got into board games and over this year I have acquired a decent collection and have played a variety of games in terms of themes and difficulty. I’m pretty hooked! When Azul won the Spiel des Jahres in 2018 I “had” to buy it. I wanted to get in on a hot new game to understand why it’s well revered. Since buying it I’ve played about 12 games, mostly 2 players, but a few 4 player games and it’s a blast. – Mark M
Patchwork Board Game
Patchwork is one of the best ever games for 2 players out there.
If you are a creative couple you will absolutely love patchwork as it involves needlework that gets you to sew pieces of fabric together to create clothing and quilts.
Your aim is to not only finish your quilt, but to make it better and more beautiful than your partner.
Many husband and wife duos love this one!
Amazon Review:
Wow, Uwe Rosenburg just makes great games. This one is amazing. It has depth while being light and easy to pick up. I would categorize it as a gateway game that veteran board gamers will also want to pull out and play. I enjoy playing this game with my wife at least once a week. I also purchased it for my mom. She plays it with my aunt when they get together. – Jay
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